Organization of the globin genes

– In this topic, we will talk about Organization of the globin genes.

Organization of the globin genes

– To understand diseases resulting from genetic alterations in the structure or synthesis of hemoglobins, it is necessary to grasp how the hemoglobin genes, which direct the synthesis of the different globin chains, are structurally organized into gene families and also how they are expressed.

1. α-Gene family

– The genes coding for the α-globin-like and β-globin-like subunits of the hemoglobin chains occur in two separate gene clusters (or families) located on two different chromosomes (Figure).

– The α-gene cluster on chromosome 16 contains two genes for the α-globin chains.

– It also contains the ζ gene that is expressed early in development as a component of embryonic hemoblobin.

– [Note: Globin gene famillies also contain globin-like genes that are not expressed (that is, their genetic information is not used to produce globin chains). These are called pseudogenes.]

2. β-Gene family

– A single gene for the β-globin chain is located on chromosome 11 (see Figure above).

– There are an additional four β-globin-like genes: the ε gene (which, like the ζ gene, is expressed early in embryonic development), two γ genes (Gγ and Aγ that are expressed in Hb F), and the δ gene that codes for the globin chain found in the minor adult hemoglobin Hb A2.

3. Steps in globin chain synthesis

– Expression of a globin gene begins in the nucleus of red cell precursors, where the DNA sequence encoding the gene is transcribed.

– The RNA produced by transcription is actually a precursor of the messenger RNA (mRNA) that is used as a template for the synthesis of a globin chain.

– Before it can serve this function, two noncoding stretches of RNA (introns) must be removed from the mRNA precursor sequence, and the remaining three fragments (exons) joined in a linear manner.

– The resulting mature mRNA enters the cytosol, where its genetic information is translated, producing a globin chain.

– A summary of this process is shown in The followimg Figure:

Organization of the globin genes


  • Lehninger  Principles of Biochemistry / David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox/ 7th ed, 2017.
  • Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry / Richard A. Harvey, Denise R. Ferrier/ 5th ed, 2011 / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, USA.
  • Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry /Robert K. Murray, David A. Bender , Kathleen M. Botham / 28th, 2009/ McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. USA.

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