Organic Chemistry

Synthesis of Ethers

Synthesis of Ethers

Synthesis of Ethers – In this topic, we will discuss 6 methods for Synthesis of Ethers as follows: 1. Ethers by Intermolecular Dehydration of Alcohols – Two alcohol molecules can form an ether by loss of water through an acid-catalyzed substitution reaction. – This reaction competes with the formation of …

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Physical Properties of Ethers

Physical Properties of Ethers

– In this topic, we will discuss The Physical Properties of Ethers. Introduction to Ethers  – Ethers are compounds of formula R-O-R’ where R and R’ may be alkyl groups or aryl (benzene ring) groups. – Like alcohols, ethers are related to water, with alkyl groups replacing the hydrogen atoms. …

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Interpreting Carbon NMR Spectra

Interpreting Carbon NMR Spectra

Interpreting Carbon NMR Spectra – Interpreting Carbon NMR Spectra (13C NMR spectra) uses the same principles as interpreting 1H NMR spectra. – In fact, carbon spectra are often easier to interpret. – The 13C NMR spectrum provides the following information: (1) The number of different signals implies how many different …

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Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy

Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy

– In this topic, we will discuss The Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy. Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy – Where does a carbonyl group absorb in the NMR? Where does an internal alkyne absorb? – In the proton NMR, both of these groups are invisible. Sometimes we can infer their presence: If the carbonyl …

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Time Dependence of NMR Spectroscopy

Time Dependence of NMR Spectroscopy

– In this topic, we will discuss The Time Dependence of NMR Spectroscopy. Time Dependence of NMR Spectroscopy – We have already seen evidence that NMR does not provide an instantaneous picture of a molecule. – For example, a terminal alkyne does not give a spectrum where the molecules oriented …

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Chemical Shift in NMR Spectroscopy

– In this topic, we will discuss the Chemical Shift in 1H NMR Spectroscopy. What is Chemical Shift? – The variations in the positions of NMR absorptions, arising from electronic shielding and deshielding, are called chemical shifts. – Chemical shift is The difference (in parts per million) between the resonance …

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Mass Spectrometry : Introduction

Mass spectrometry (MS) provides the molecular weight and valuable information about the molecular formula, using a very small sample. Introduction to Mass Spectrometry – Infrared spectroscopy gives information about the functional groups in a molecule, but it tells little about the size of the molecule or what heteroatoms are present. …

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Characteristic Absorptions of Carbonyl Compounds

– In this subject, we will talk about Characteristic Absorptions of Carbonyl Compounds such as Ketones, Aldehydes, Amines, and Acids. Characteristic Absorptions of Carbonyl Compounds – Because it has a large dipole moment, the C=O double bond produces intense infrared stretching absorptions. – Carbonyl groups absorb at frequencies around 1700 …

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