Organic Chemistry

Types of Organic Reactions

– In this subject, we will discuss the general Types of Organic Reactions Types of Organic Reactions – Like other compounds, organic molecules undergo acid-base and oxidation-reduction reactions. – Organic molecules also undergo substitution, elimination, and addition reactions. (1) Substitution Reactions – Substitution reaction is a reaction in which an …

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Writing Equations for Organic Reactions

– In this subject, we will discuss Writing Equations for Organic Reactions. Writing Equations for Organic Reactions (1) Like other reactions, equations for organic reactions are usually drawn with a single reaction arrow (→) between the starting material and product, but other conventions make these equations look different from those …

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Solubility of Organic Compounds

Solubility of Organic Compounds – Intermolecular forces are of primary importance in explaining the solubility of substances. – Dissolution of a solid in a liquid is, in many respects, like the melting of a solid. – The orderly crystal structure of the solid is destroyed, and the result is the …

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Resonance Theory

  Introduction to Resonance (Resonance in carbonate ion (CO32-)   ** Often more than one equivalent Lewis structure can be written for a molecule or ion. Consider, for example, the carbonate ion (CO32-). We can write three different but equivalent structures, 1–3:   ** Notice two important features of these …

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