Read Chemistry

Heisenberg’s uncertainty Principle

– Heisenberg’s uncertainty Principle: As it is impossible to know the position and the velocity of any one electron on account of its small size, the best we can do is to speak of the probability or relative chance of finding an electron with a probable velocity. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle …

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Zeeman Effect

Zeeman Effect – In 1896 Zeeman discovered that spectral lines are split up into components when the source emitting lines is placed in a strong magnetic field. It is called the Zeeman effect after the name of the discoverer. – The apparatus used to observe the Zeeman effect is shown …

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Bohr Model of atom – Bohr Theory

– Bohr theory was based on Planck’s quantum theory and was built on some postulates. – Rutherford’s nuclear model simply stated that atom had a nucleus and the negative electrons were present outside the nucleus. – It did not say anything as to how and where those electrons were arranged. …

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Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen

– In this subject, we will discuss the atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen Atomic Spectrum – When an element in the vapour or the gaseous state is heated in a flame or a discharge tube, the atoms are excited (energised) and emit light radiations of a characteristic colour. – The colour …

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Atomic Number and Mass Number

– In this subject, we will discuss the Atomic Number and Mass Number Mosley’s Determination of Atomic Number – The discovery that an atom has a nucleus that carries a positive charge raised the question: What is the magnitude of the positive charge? – This question was answered by Henry …

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Hybridization and Shapes of Molecules

Hybridization and Shapes of Molecules – In the previous subject, we talked about the concept of Hybridization and the types of Hybridization, but in this subject, we will talk about Hybridization and Shapes of Molecules. – Diatomic molecules must all be invariably linear but tri-and tetra-atomic molecules have several possible …

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