Physical Chemistry

Catalysis: Types of Catalysis

Types of Catalysis

– In this topic, we will discuss the Catalysis and The types of catalysis : Homogeneous catalysis – Heterogenous catalysis. What is Catalysis? – Berzelius (1836) realised that there are substances which increase the rate of a reaction without themselves being consumed. – He believed that the function of such …

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Collision theory of Reaction rates

Collision theory of Reaction rates

Collision theory of Reaction rates – According to collision theory, a chemical reaction takes place only by collisions between the reacting molecules. However, not all collisions are effective. – Only a small fraction of the collisions produce a reaction. – The two main conditions for a collision between the reacting …

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How to determine the order of reaction?

Determination of the order of reaction – There are at least four different methods to determine the order of reaction as follows: Using integrated rate equations Graphical method Using half-life period The Differential method Ostwald’s Isolation method (1) Using integrated rate equations – The reaction under study is performed by …

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Second order reaction

Second order reaction – Let us take a second order reaction of the type 2A ⎯⎯→ products – Suppose the initial concentration of A is a moles liter–1. – If after time t, x moles of A have reacted, the concentration of A is (a – x). – We know …

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Molecular Vibrations : IR spectrum

– In this subject we talk about Molecular Vibrations as introduction to understand IR spectrum Molecular Vibrations – Before discussing characteristic infrared absorptions, it’s helpful to understand some theory about the vibrational energies of molecules. – The following drawing shows how a covalent bond between two atoms acts like a …

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Molecularity of a reaction

– we will discuss the Molecularity of a reaction and the Differences Between Order and Molecularity. Molecularity of a reaction – Chemical reactions may be classed into two types : (a) Elementary reactions (b) Complex reactions – An elementary reaction is a simple reaction which occurs in a single step. …

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Polymorphism – Allotropy

Polymorphism - Determination of transtion point

Polymorphism – The occurrence of the same substance in more than one crystalline forms is known as Polymorphism. – Polymorphism phenomenon is shown by both elements and compounds. In the case of elements the term allotropy is often used. – The individual crystalline forms of an element are referred to …

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Phase diagram – Phase Rule

Phase diagram - Phase Rule

Phase Diagram – A phase diagram is a plot showing the conditions of pressure and temperature under which two or more physical states can exist together in a state of dynamic equilibrium. – The following figure is a typical phase diagram for a one-component system. – The diagram consists of …

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Derivation of the phase rule

Derivation of the phase rule

Derivation of the phase rule – Here the derivation of the phase rule for one-component system and two-component system are discussed. – Consider a heterogeneous system in equilibrium of C components in which P phases are present. – We have to determine the degrees of freedom of this system i.e., …

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Applications of distribution law

Applications of distribution law

Applications of distribution law – There are numerous applications of distribution law in the laboratory as well as in industry. – Here we will discuss some more important ones by way of recapitulation. (1) Solvent Extraction – This is the process used for the separation of organic substances from aqueous …

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Le Chatelier’s principle

Le Chatelier’s principle

Le Chatelier’s principle – In 1884, the French Chemist Henry Le Chatelier proposed a general principle which applies to all systems in equilibrium. This important principle called the Le Chatelier’s principle may be stated as : when a stress is applied on a system in equilibrium, the system tends to …

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