Physical Chemistry

Thermodynamic Processes

– Thermodynamic Processes involve the change of conditions (temperature, pressure, and volume). Thermodynamic Processes – When a thermodynamic system changes from one state to another, the operation is called a Process. – Thermodynamic Processes involve the change of conditions (temperature, pressure, and volume). – The various types of thermodynamic processes …

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Hybridization and Shapes of Molecules

Hybridization and Shapes of Molecules – In the previous subject, we talked about the concept of Hybridization and the types of Hybridization, but in this subject, we will talk about Hybridization and Shapes of Molecules. – Diatomic molecules must all be invariably linear but tri-and tetra-atomic molecules have several possible …

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Bond Formation, (σ) Bond and (π) Bond

Bond Formation (Valence Bond Theory) – Bond formation between atoms to give chemical compounds can be interpreted admirably in terms of the orbital theory of atomic structure. – Heitler and London believed that electron cloud of the valence orbital on one atom ‘overlaps’ the electron cloud of the other bonding …

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