Read Chemistry

Ways of Expressing Concentration

Concentration of A Solution – The concentration of a solution is defined as : the amount of solute present in a given amount of solution. – Concentration is generally expressed as the quantity of solute in a unit volume of solution. A solution containing a relatively low concentration of solute …

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Measurement of Optical Activity

Optical Activity – Optical activity is one of imortant physcial properties of liqiuds – A beam of ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves oscillating in many planes. – When passed through a polarizer (e.g., a Polaroid lens), only waves oscillating in a single plane pass through. – The emerging beam …

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Determination of Surface Tension

Surface Tension – Surface Tension property of liquids arises from the intermolecular forces of attraction. – A molecule in the interior of a liquid is attracted equally in all directions by the molecules around it. – A molecule in the surface of a liquid is attracted only sideways and toward …

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Intermolecular Forces in Liquids

Intermolecular Forces in Liquids – Intermolecular forces in liquids are collectively called van der Waals forces. – These forces are essentially electrical in nature and result from the attraction of charges of opposite sign.  – The principal kinds of intermolecular attractions are: (1) Dipole-dipole attractions (2) London forces (3) Hydrogen bonding.  …

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MCQ on Chapter Thermochemistry ΔH, ΔE

1. For exothermic reactions, ΔH is _______ while for endothermic reactions it is _______. (a) positive, negative (b) positive, positive (c) negative, negative (d) negative, positive Answer. (d) 2. The branch of chemistry which deals with the heat changes caused by chemical reactions is called _______ (a) thermodynamics (b) thermal …

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Enthalpy of Reaction

Enthalpy of Reaction

– For reactions involving solids and liquids only the change in volume (ΔV) is very small and the term P × ΔV is negligible. For such reactions, the Change of Enthalpy of Reaction ΔH is equal to ΔE. Enthalpy of Reaction – Thermochemical measurements are made either at (a) constant …

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