Writing Equations for Organic Reactions

– In this subject, we will discuss Writing Equations for Organic Reactions. Writing Equations for Organic Reactions (1) Like other reactions, equations for organic reactions are usually drawn with a single reaction arrow (→) between the starting material and product, but other conventions make these equations look different from those …

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Filtration and Ignition of Solids

– In this subject, we will discuss the Filtration and Ignition of Solids. – Several techniques and experimental arrangements allow solids to be filtered and ignited with minimal contamination and error. (1) Apparatus for Filtration of Solids (a) Simple Crucibles  – Simple crucibles serve only as containers. – Porcelain, aluminum …

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Free Download Electrochemistry book (Principles and Applications)

– In this subject, we will discuss Free Download Electrochemistry book (Principles, Methods, and Applications) The Preface of Electrochemistry book – Electrochemistry has undergone significant transformations in the last few decades. – It is not now the province of academics interested only in measuring thermodynamic properties of solutions or of …

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Nuclear Equations: Balancing, Rules, Practice

Nuclear Equations: Balancing, Rules, Practice

– In this subject, we will discuss the Nuclear Equations: Balancing, Rules, Practice Nuclear Equations – Similar to a chemical reaction, nuclear reactions can be represented by equations. – These equations involving the nuclei of the reactants and products are called nuclear equations. – The nuclear reactions occur by redistribution …

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Solubility of Organic Compounds

Solubility of Organic Compounds – Intermolecular forces are of primary importance in explaining the solubility of substances. – Dissolution of a solid in a liquid is, in many respects, like the melting of a solid. – The orderly crystal structure of the solid is destroyed, and the result is the …

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Amounts of Reactants and Products

Amounts of Reactants and Products

– In this subject, we will discuss Amounts of Reactants and Products Amounts of Reactants and Products – A basic question raised in the chemical laboratory is (How much product will be formed from specific amounts of starting materials (reactants)?) Or in some cases, we might ask the reverse question: …

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